Stepping into the large Family Worship Center auditorium for the first time can be daunting. But we have you covered; small groups (Caregroups) meet in neighborhoods across the city allowing for interaction and friendship.
The Care Group is for pastoral care and evangelism. It is the powerhouse or the engine room of Family Worship Center. Sunday church service is basically a celebration service; Thursday Care Group meeting is where the church happens. It’s a cell meeting or fellowship of not more than 16 people praising God together, praying together, studying the word together and meeting one another’s needs.
It is structured such that it can be found anywhere close to where you live, they are in fact within walking distance of your home. That means help, friendship and care is truly close to you.
At the care group you are not a face in the crowd but a friend who is known and loved. This is where birthdays and parties happen. Its also where prayers and Gods answer become real and personal.
We have over 900 Care groups across the city. So every Thursday in the city of Abuja, someone somewhere gets cared for, gets celebrated and gets enlisted into a family. What are you waiting for?

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